Dial type thermometers are designed to measure, Indicate and control the tempera-ture of a specific applications, like Transform-ers oil , Generators, Bearing temperature monitoring etc…
Dial type thermometer 4006 h
Dial type thermometer 4006 h
Dial type thermometers are liquid filled in the closed system and DTT consists of Bulb assembly, capillary and Expansion bel-lows. If the temperature changes, the internal pressure of the thermometer changes as well. The pressure is transferred through capillary to a pointer shaft and thus the temperature values are indicated on scale.
OTI and BTD works without external power for its operation and indicates corre-sponding oil temperature on front panel. WTI construction is also similar to OTI, in addition to that CT are provided to meas-ure the winding temperature plus winding temperature above hot level, i.e the hot spot temperature.
WTI are provided with gradient adjust-ment through a shunt for CT secondary in-put (1A to 5A)

- 6 inch/150 mm Dial face for clear temperature indication.
- 2 no’s of adjustable switches for control and alarm’s.
- Accuracy Range with in ±1.5% of full scale
- IP-55 Protection
- 270º Angular sweep with 2℃ each graduation
- Panel Mounting option provided
Hybrid Instrument
Hybrid Instruments are high performance temperature monitoring instrument with built in PT-100 sensor (RTD) & Current Converter Unit and external Remote Indi-cator with Built in power Supply Unit.
- Instrument casings are Aluminum die casted and PU coated for weather proof, All in-side and outside components are Brass and SS304.
- Switch test knob available
Technical Specification
01 | Temperature Range | 0 to 150 (-10 to150 Optional) | ºC |
02 | Angular Sweep | 270 | ºC |
03 | Accuracy class | ± 1.5% of full scale | ºC |
04 | Dial Graduations | 2 | ºC |
05 | Max. No of Switch | 2 | No’s |
06 | Switch Rating | 5A @ 250V AC , 0.5A @ 220V DC | |
07 | Switch Differential | 5-10 | ºC |
08 | Switch | NO type | |
09 | Switch Accuracy | ± 4 | ºC |
10 | Max. Capillary Length | Upto 15 | Meters |
12 | Degree of protection | IP-55 | |
13 | High voltage test | 2.5kv AC, 50Hz/60Hz for 1 minute, all terminal to ground |
How To Order?

a | Power Supply | 90-275V AC/DC |
b | Input | PT 100 RTD ( 3 wire Simplex) |
c | CT Signal in case of WTI | 0-5A AC |
d | Signal Output | Upto 2 sets of 4-20mA DC ( 600 Ohm re-sistance burden including cable resistance ) |
e | Overall Dimension | 100(L) X 75 (W) X 112(D) MM with Din rail Mount |
g | Ambient Operating Temper-ature | 0- 50 ° C And 10 – 80 RH |
h | Storing Temperature | -10°-60° and 10-90 RH |
i | Degree of Protection of En-closure | IP 40 |
a | Power Supply | 90-275V AC/DC |
b | Display | 4 Digits , 0.56 Inch , 7 Segment Red colour Display |
c | Resolution | 0.1 ° C |
d | Input | 4-20mA Signals from CCU |
e | Signal Output | Upto 4 sets of 4-20mA DC |
g | SCADA Communication | RS485 RTU Protocol |
h | Overall Dimension | 96(L)X 96(W)X110(D) MM with Panel mount Option ( Panel cut out dimension – 92 Sq mm |
i | Ambient Operating Temper-ature | 0- 50 ° C And 10 – 80 RH |
j | Storing Temperature | -10°-60° and 10-90RH |
k | Degree of Protection of En-closure | IP 20 |